Vol 28, 2020

No. 1

George Morris, Emily Robinson, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite and James Stafford, The end of illusions

Bridget Phillipson MP, Getting the basics right

Joe Guinan and Sarah McKinley, Hanging in the balance: the democratic economy after Corbyn

Adrienne Buller, Where next for the Green New Deal?

Maximilian Krahé, The dog that didn’t bark: inflation and power in the contemporary capitalist state

No. 2

Dan Bailey, Shaping the ‘new normal’

Steve Iliffe, The NHS takes control: consequences for health policy in England

Alexandra Runswick, Power and the pandemic: civil liberties in the age of coronavirus

Alyssa Battistoni, The politics of climate crisis

Lyn Brown MP, The fragile society

Sam Wetherell, ‘Redlining’ the British city

No. 3

Emily Robinson and Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Editorial: Defending, restoring, transforming 

The Foundational Economy Collective, Accidents will happen? Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

Katrina Forrester, Liberal egalitarianism: what’s worth salvaging?

Sebastian Jobelius and Konstantin Vössing, Social democracy, party of values

Jonathan Reynolds MP, A new world in the making: community wealth building and the co-operative sector

No. 4

Cathy Elliott and Emily Robinson, Editorial: Unequal times

Andrew R. Hom, ‘Time out!’: why we’re talking about time, all the time

Michael J. Flexer and Lisa Baraitser, As you like it: the movement is the moment

Hannah Elias, Time and race in history education