Vol 29, 2021

No. 1

James Stafford, The patriotism problem

Stella Creasy MP and Karl Pike, Nothing is inevitable: narrating the Covid crisis

Morgan Jones, Remember Scarborough!

Farah Hussain, Inconvenient voices: Muslim women and the Labour Party

No. 2

Jonathan Rutherford, At sea

Christine Berry, Political economy and Labour’s factionalism

Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, ‘Alternative facts’, scientific claims and political action

Pauline Bryan, The future of the union

No. 3

Cathy Elliott, Editorial: Labour in the countryside

Luke Pollard MP, How does Labour become the party of the countryside?

Kate Swade, Shared assets: inclusiveness, agroecology and municipal ownership in land use

Alex Darby, ‘Making do’ and ‘making-with’: A politics of compassion in the English countryside

Corinne Fowler, Red walls, green walls: British identity, rural racism and British colonial history

No. 4

Alan Finlayson: Editorial: Understanding the problem

Lise Butler and Marc Stears, Has Labour had enough of experts?

Agnes Arnold-Forster and Caitjan Gainty, To save the NHS, we need to stop loving it

John Denham, The purpose of patriotism

See full contents lists for each issue here.